Individual Contributor Development

Improve career satisfaction. Level up work product. Climb the ladder.

1-on-1 coaching for individual contributors who want to feel happier at work, grow their careers, level-up their performance, improve collaborations, and manage up, down, or sideways.

Contributor Coaching

    • Tackle challenges in work/life balance

    • Find the root of workplace apathy and boost personal enthusiasm

    • Pivot to a new career or company that better suits your passions, values, skills, and needs 

    • Clarify personal interests and ambitions

    • Reshape your existing job to better suit your passions and long-term goals

    • Pursue a new role in your current company or outside of it

    • Prepare for performance reviews, job interviews, and other tactical conversations

    • Learn to pursue professional growth from a place of personal passion and interest

    • Self-identify strong and weak points in your work with a coach who’s genuinely on your side

    • Clarify areas where growth is truly exciting to you

    • Determine how employer requests, desires, or needs should or shouldn’t influence your skill growth journey

    • Strategically develop growth plans

    • Execute on plans with accountability

    • Adapt as interests and needs evolve

    • Improve interactions with teammates, managers, direct reports, and inter-departmental partners

    • Handle collaborators, managers, and direct reports who are stubborn, territorial, inconsistent, or otherwise difficult

    • Navigate life on highly-political teams and solve collaboration-breakdowns with project partners

    • Sell out-of-the-box ideas to scared or apathetic stakeholders

  • Overcome fears, grow performance skills, and/or shape your unique voice and style. Spotlight Leadership coaching is tailored to your specific wants, needs, and context, and can be shaped for keynotes, pitches, demos, or conference presentations. It can also be used to tackle problems of structure or content.

    Learn more about Spotlight Leadership

  • Individual coaching and training for solo innovators—even those who don’t yet believe int heir own creativity.

    Develop skills and tools for creative problem-solving:

    • Finding enthusiasm on boring problems

    • Boosting personal creativity & getting unstuck

    • Selling innovative ideas to colleagues and stakeholders

    Or else solve the problem now:

    • Tackle a creative problem

    • Test & iterate on your ideas

    • Decide among possible solutions

    • Recover from failure

    • Leading new teams, or helping seasoned teams establish better foundations

    • Improving team communications and processes

    • Navigating team conflict and politics

    • Leading teams toward bolder creativity and innovation

    See Team Coaching and the Innovation Hub

  • Get off Zoom, get away from the desk, and get on your feet. It’s out in the world and out of our heads that the greatest discoveries are made.

    Learn more about the Trespass Leadership Project.

Inquiry-based coaching.

An inquiry-based process designed to help individual contributors coach themselves and others—developed and tested over a decade, in partnership with more than 50 CEOs, founders, and senior executives, hailing from multi-billion dollar hedge funds, Nobel-winning teams, and brands like McKinsey, Google, NASDAQ, and Microsoft. Inspired by principles of human-centered design and learner-centered pedagogy.


You know the answer. You just haven’t said it out loud yet.

Traditional coaching is all about knowledge transfer. Someone else seems to know the answer, and they transfer that knowledge to you. But in crisis, in decision, and in creation, leaders and innovators need to find their own answers. In Leadership Coaching, your coach uses deep interrogation to empower you to lead yourself and others. It’s a process that generates better answers, lasting solutions, surprising innovations, and a capacity to coach others using the same methodology.

Start With a No-Fee Session